Our Story

From an early age, nationally-recognized recording artist and TAO founder, Joseph Vincelli has had an affinity with all things melodically creative; whether he was playing the flute in his bedroom or the saxophone in a concert hall of 2500 people, he puts every fiber of his being into his craft.

After graduating high school, Joseph began his 40-year professional career with a scholarship to Berklee College of Music where he began to deeply explore why music has such great impact on the world. His yearn to learn about this particular subject led him to study the history of numerous composers and philosophers. He realized that they shared the same perception of the arts’ influence on education as he had during his whole life. This discovery prompted his 15-year research book project, The Art of Tone, Understanding His Love For Music.

By visiting schools and delivering masterclasses, he gained an empathetic understanding for modern-day education. Joseph saw a lack of imaginative curriculum along with diminishing fine arts’ budgets in a majority of institutions. Within these schools, many children with various learning challenges, language barriers, and lower socioeconomic statuses are more likely to fall behind as a result of not connecting with many core subjects. Educators, even those who teach special-education, are oftentimes not equipped to introduce many creative ideas to engage the students to learn the curriculum.

In 2012, Joseph founded The Artist Outreach to help solve these problems. Through his experience with music and imaginative thinking, he knows that a student who struggles with a standard curriculum is not broken, but simply retains information in an unconventional way. By utilizing music, art, and writing to teach subjects such as science, mathematics, and history, students are allowed to use their imagination while understanding, exploring, and enjoying the material. Joseph believes every child has an inherent ability to be creative and he encourages this ability as a way to both understand core school subjects through the arts, and open doors to inspired thought, giving the individual a unique outlook on the world around them.