TA: Joel McCray Hodges Elementary 14401 Spring Oaks Dr. Mesquite, TX 75180 972.290.4040 2:00pm - 3:00pm Song Creation PRINCIPAL: Kim Broadway KBroadway@mesquiteisd.org Code: MISD-AA/ DMC/ KING/ REA/ TCA-STREAM
Events are normally private workshop performances and lectures. If you would like to observe a workshop for your organization, you must have approval from both, The Artist Outreach and the participating organization:
TA: Joel McCray Hodges Elementary 14401 Spring Oaks Dr. Mesquite, TX 75180 972.290.4040 2:00pm - 3:00pm Song Creation PRINCIPAL: Kim Broadway KBroadway@mesquiteisd.org Code: MISD-AA/ DMC/ KING/ REA/ TCA-STREAM
TA: Candy Williams 8:15-8:35 Moss/Bowen 8:55-9:15 Rutherford/McKinney 9:15-9:35 Ruthorford/Lugo 12:00-12:20 Gentry/Arana 12:20-12:40 Gentry/Carter 1:30-1:50 Black/Bunch 1:50-2:10 Black/Almanza Moss PRINCIPAL: Michael Pierotti (MPierotti@mesquiteisd.org) 972.882.7130 Rutherford PRINCIPAL: Holly Grubbs (HGrubbs@mesquiteisd.org) 972.290.4060 Gentry PRINCIPAL: Rashunda Price (RPrice2@mesquiteisd.org) 972.290.4140 Black PRINCIPAL: Darla Franklin (DFranklin@mesquiteisd.org) 972.882.7240 Code: MISD-SPK
TA: Blake Burkholdt Liberty House 1501 E. El Paso Street, Suite B, Fort Worth TX 76102 Vernon Lewis Phone (817) 569-4659 Code: TVFA
TA: Chris Hicks 8:00-8:25 EC1 8:30-9:00 EC2 9:00-9:45 1st Our Lady of Perpetual Help 7625 Cortland Avenue Dallas, TX 75235 214-351-3396 Principal: Maria Claudia Searle (mcsearle@olphdallas.org) Code: OLPH – SPK/DMC
TA: Joel McCray Smith Elementary 2300 Mesquite Valley Rd. Mesquite, TX 75149 972-882-7080 8:00am – 9:00am Song Creation PRINCIPAL: Charlene Goss CGoss@mesquiteisd.org Code: MISD-AA/ DMC/ KING/ REA/ TCA-STREAM
TA: Joel McCray & Gary Sherrill TCU Starpoint 2805 Stadium Drive Fort Worth, TX 76129 Code: TCU
TA: Mary Grace Windsor 8:15-8:35 Smith/Hernandez 8:35-9:00 Smith/Moore 10:50-11:10 Pirrung/Jackson 11:40-12:00 Floyd/Salazar 12:00-12:20 Floyd/Espinoza 1:30-1:50 McWhorter/Gomez 1:50-2:10 McWhorter/Howe McWhorter PRINCIPAL: Tammi Froning (tfroning@mesquiteisd.org) 972-882-7020 Pirrung PRINCIPAL: Susan Brison (SBrison@mesquiteisd.org) 972.882.7170 Smith PRINCIPAL: Charlene Goss (CGoss@mesquiteisd.org) 972-882-7080 Floyd PRINCIPAL: Kelsey Bowles (KBowles@mesquiteisd.org) 972-290-4200 Code: MISD-SPK
TA: Joel McCray Black Elementary 328 E. Newsome Rd Mesquite, TX 75149 972.882.7240 2:00pm – 3:00pm Song Creation PRINCIPAL: Darla Franklin DFranklin@mesquiteisd.org Code: MISD-AA/ DMC/ KING/ REA/ TCA-STREAM
TA: Blake Burkholdt Liberty House 1501 E. El Paso Street, Suite B, Fort Worth TX 76102 Vernon Lewis Phone (817) 569-4659 Code: TVFA
TA: Chris Hicks 8:00-8:45 EC1 &/or 2 8:50-9:35 1st 9:40-10:25 EC1 &/or 2 10:30a- 11:15am 2nd Grade Our Lady of Perpetual Help 7625 Cortland Avenue Dallas, TX 75235 214-351-3396 Principal: Maria Claudia Searle (mcsearle@olphdallas.org) Code: OLPH – TCF/SPK/DMC
TA: Joel McCray and Gary Sherrill TCU Starpoint 2805 Stadium Drive Fort Worth, TX 76129 Code: TCU
TA: Joel McCray Hodges Elementary 14401 Spring Oaks Dr. Mesquite, TX 75180 972.290.4040 2:00pm - 3:00pm Song Creation PRINCIPAL: Kim Broadway KBroadway@mesquiteisd.org Code: MISD-AA/ DMC/ KING/ REA/ TCA-STREAM
TA: Joel McCray 7th Grade 12:00 - 12:45pm Identity of Music Our Lady of Perpetual Help 7625 Cortland Avenue Dallas, TX 75235 214-351-3396 Principal: Maria Claudia Searle (mcsearle@olphdallas.org) Code: OLPH – TCF
TA: Blake Burkholdt Liberty House 1501 E. El Paso Street, Suite B, Fort Worth TX 76102 Vernon Lewis Phone (817) 569-4659 Code: TVFA
TA: Chris Hicks 8:00-8:25 EC1 8:30-9:00 EC2 9:00-9:45 1st Our Lady of Perpetual Help 7625 Cortland Avenue Dallas, TX 75235 214-351-3396 Principal: Maria Claudia Searle (mcsearle@olphdallas.org) Code: OLPH – SPK/DMC
TA: Joel McCray Smith Elementary 2300 Mesquite Valley Rd. Mesquite, TX 75149 972-882-7080 8:00am – 9:00am Song Creation PRINCIPAL: Charlene Goss CGoss@mesquiteisd.org Code: MISD-AA/ DMC/ KING/ REA/ TCA-STREAM
TA: Joel McCray & Gary Sherrill TCU Starpoint 2805 Stadium Drive Fort Worth, TX 76129 Code: TCU
TA: Joel McCray Black Elementary 328 E. Newsome Rd Mesquite, TX 75149 972.882.7240 2:00pm – 3:00pm Song Creation PRINCIPAL: Darla Franklin DFranklin@mesquiteisd.org Code: MISD-AA/ DMC/ KING/ REA/ TCA-STREAM
TA: Blake Burkholdt Liberty House 1501 E. El Paso Street, Suite B, Fort Worth TX 76102 Vernon Lewis Phone (817) 569-4659 Code: TVFA
TA: Candy Williams Grades 4 & 5: Audio Storybook 12:50p-1:35p and 1:40p-2:25p Our Lady of Perpetual Help 7625 Cortland Avenue Dallas, TX 75235 214-351-3396 Principal: Maria Claudia Searle (mcsearle@olphdallas.org) Code: OLPH – TCF
TA: Blake Burkholdt Liberty House 1501 E. El Paso Street, Suite B, Fort Worth TX 76102 Vernon Lewis Phone (817) 569-4659 Code: TVFA
TA: Blake Burkholdt Liberty House 1501 E. El Paso Street, Suite B, Fort Worth TX 76102 Vernon Lewis Phone (817) 569-4659 Code: TVFA
TA: Joel McCray Hodges Elementary 14401 Spring Oaks Dr. Mesquite, TX 75180 972.290.4040 2:00pm - 3:00pm Song Creation PRINCIPAL: Kim Broadway KBroadway@mesquiteisd.org Code: MISD-AA/ DMC/ KING/ REA/ TCA-STREAM
TA: Candy Williams 8:40 - 9:00 Hodges Elementary/Hughey 9:00 - 9:20 Hodges Elementary/Pena 11:00 - 11:20 Gray Elementary/Escobar 11:20 - 11:40 Gray Elementary/Walker 1:15 - 1:35 Achziger Elementary/Arellano 1:35 - 1:55 Achziger Elementary/Combs Hodges: 972-290-4040 Gray: 972-882-7280 Achziger: 972-290-4180 Code: MISD-SPK
TA: Blake Burkholdt Liberty House 1501 E. El Paso Street, Suite B, Fort Worth TX 76102 Vernon Lewis Phone (817) 569-4659 Code: TVFA
TA: Chris Hicks8:00-8:25 EC18:30-9:00 EC29:00-9:45 1st Our Lady of Perpetual Help 7625 Cortland Avenue Dallas, TX 75235 214-351-3396 Principal: Maria Claudia Searle (mcsearle@olphdallas.org) Code: OLPH – SPK/DMC
TA: Joel McCray Smith Elementary 2300 Mesquite Valley Rd. Mesquite, TX 75149 972-882-7080 8:00am – 9:00am Song Creation PRINCIPAL: Charlene Goss CGoss@mesquiteisd.org Code: MISD-AA/ DMC/ KING/ REA/ TCA-STREAM
TA: Joel McCray & Gary Sherrill TCU Starpoint 2805 Stadium Drive Fort Worth, TX 76129 Code: TCU
TA: Mary Grace Windsor (Candy covering Thompson 2:15 - 2:35pm today) 8:40 - 9:00 Mackey Elementary/Nuckels 9:00 - 9:20 Mackey Elementary/Jimenez 10:30 - 10:50 Henrie Elementary/Ortiz 10:50 - 11:10 Henrie Elementary/Lanicek 11:30 - 11:50 Henrie Elementary/Diaz Cortez 11:50 - 12:10 Henrie Elementary/Morales 2:15 - 2:35 Thompson Elementary/Cooper-Charles (TA: Candy) Mackey Elementary: 972-290-4160 Henrie Elementary: 972-290-4200 […]
DISD/ Bayles TA: Candy Williams Bayles Elementary 2444 Telegraph Ave Dallas, TX 75228 8:30-9:00 Roger 9:00-9:30 Alvidrez 9:30-10:00 Griffin 10:00-10:30 Virgen Contact: Ms. Alvidrez EAlvidrez@dallasisd.org (972) 749-8900 Code: CDOAC
TA: Joel McCray Black Elementary 328 E. Newsome Rd Mesquite, TX 75149 972.882.7240 2:00pm – 3:00pm Song Creation PRINCIPAL: Darla Franklin DFranklin@mesquiteisd.org Code: MISD-AA/ DMC/ KING/ REA/ TCA-STREAM
TA: Blake Burkholdt Liberty House 1501 E. El Paso Street, Suite B, Fort Worth TX 76102 Vernon Lewis Phone (817) 569-4659 Code: TVFA
TA: Chris Hicks 8:00-8:45 EC1 &/or 2 8:50-9:35 1st 9:40-10:25 EC1 &/or 2 10:30a- 11:15am 2nd Grade Our Lady of Perpetual Help 7625 Cortland Avenue Dallas, TX 75235 214-351-3396 Principal: Maria Claudia Searle (mcsearle@olphdallas.org) Code: OLPH – TCF/SPK/DMC
TA: Joel McCray Hodges Elementary 14401 Spring Oaks Dr. Mesquite, TX 75180 972.290.4040 2:00pm - 3:00pm Song Creation PRINCIPAL: Kim Broadway KBroadway@mesquiteisd.org Code: MISD-AA/ DMC/ KING/ REA/ TCA-STREAM
TA: Candy Williams 8:40 - 9:00 Hodges Elementary/Hughey 9:00 - 9:20 Hodges Elementary/Pena 11:00 - 11:20 Gray Elementary/Escobar 11:20 - 11:40 Gray Elementary/Walker 1:15 - 1:35 Achziger Elementary/Arellano 1:35 - 1:55 Achziger Elementary/Combs Hodges: 972-290-4040 Gray: 972-882-7280 Achziger: 972-290-4180 Code: MISD-SPK
TA: Joel McCray Identity of Music - High School The Phoenix Academy 902 East Broad Street Mansfield, TX 76063 682-314-1700 Regenia Crane, Prinicipal RegeniaCrane@misdmail.org Code: MANISD
TA: Joel McCray Identity of Music - High School The Phoenix Academy 902 East Broad Street Mansfield, TX 76063 682-314-1700 Regenia Crane, Prinicipal RegeniaCrane@misdmail.org Code: MANISD
TA: Blake Burkholdt Liberty House 1501 E. El Paso Street, Suite B, Fort Worth TX 76102 Vernon Lewis Phone (817) 569-4659 Code: TVFA
TA: Chris Hicks8:00-8:25 EC18:30-9:00 EC29:00-9:45 1stOur Lady of Perpetual Help 7625 Cortland Avenue Dallas, TX 75235 214-351-3396 Principal: Maria Claudia Searle (mcsearle@olphdallas.org) Code: OLPH – SPK/DMC
TA: Joel McCray Smith Elementary 2300 Mesquite Valley Rd. Mesquite, TX 75149 972-882-7080 8:00am – 9:00am Song Creation PRINCIPAL: Charlene Goss CGoss@mesquiteisd.org Code: MISD-AA/ DMC/ KING/ REA/ TCA-STREAM
TA: Joel McCray & Gary Sherrill TCU Starpoint 2805 Stadium Drive Fort Worth, TX 76129 Code: TCU
TA: Mary Grace Windsor 8:40 - 9:00 Mackey Elementary/Nuckels 9:00 - 9:20 Mackey Elementary/Jimenez 10:30 - 10:50 Henrie Elementary/Ortiz 10:50 - 11:10 Henrie Elementary/Lanicek 11:30 - 11:50 Henrie Elementary/Diaz Cortez 11:50 - 12:10 Henrie Elementary/Morales 2:15 - 2:35 Thompson Elementary/Cooper-Charles Mackey Elementary: 972-290-4160 Henrie Elementary: 972-290-4200 Thompson Elementary: 972-882-7190 Code: MISD-SPK
DISD/ Bayles TA: Candy Williams Bayles Elementary 2444 Telegraph Ave Dallas, TX 75228 8:30-9:00 Roger 9:00-9:30 Alvidrez 9:30-10:00 Griffin 10:00-10:30 Virgen Contact: Ms. Alvidrez EAlvidrez@dallasisd.org (972) 749-8900 Code: CDOAC
TA: Joel McCray Black Elementary 328 E. Newsome Rd Mesquite, TX 75149 972.882.7240 10:00am - 11:00am Song Creation PRINCIPAL: Darla Franklin DFranklin@mesquiteisd.org Code: MISD-AA/ DMC/ KING/ REA/ TCA-STREAM
TA: Blake Burkholdt Liberty House 1501 E. El Paso Street, Suite B, Fort Worth TX 76102 Vernon Lewis Phone (817) 569-4659 Code: TVFA
Thank you for your interest in The Artist Outreach workshop performances!