??-LH Culinary & Nutrition (TVFA)
??-LH Culinary & Nutrition (TVFA)
TA: Blake Burkholdt Liberty House 1501 E. El Paso Street, Suite B, Fort Worth TX 76102 Dr. Karen Harris 817-569-1518/817-569-4659 Karen.Harris@mhmrtc.org
Events are normally private workshop performances and lectures. If you would like to observe a workshop for your organization, you must have approval from both, The Artist Outreach and the participating organization:
TA: Blake Burkholdt Liberty House 1501 E. El Paso Street, Suite B, Fort Worth TX 76102 Dr. Karen Harris 817-569-1518/817-569-4659 Karen.Harris@mhmrtc.org
TA: Blake Burkholdt Liberty House 1501 E. El Paso Street, Suite B, Fort Worth TX 76102 Dr. Karen Harris 817-569-1518/817-569-4659 Karen.Harris@mhmrtc.org
TA: Joel McCray Dr. Karen Harris – Liberty House Veteran Services Program Director 1501 East El Paso Street Suite B. Fort Worth TX, 76102 Phone (817) 569-4659 cell (817) 964-9120
Staff Meeting Joseph Vincelli is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: Joseph Vincelli’s Personal Meeting Room Join Zoom Meeting https://us06web.zoom.us/j/9323305625 Meeting ID: 932 330 5625 Find your local number: https://us06web.zoom.us/u/kM3k1FkrW
TA: Blake Burkholdt Liberty House 1501 E. El Paso Street, Suite B, Fort Worth TX 76102 Dr. Karen Harris 817-569-1518/817-569-4659 Karen.Harris@mhmrtc.org
TA: Joel McCray Dr. Karen Harris – Liberty House Veteran Services Program Director 1501 East El Paso Street Suite B. Fort Worth TX, 76102 Phone (817) 569-4659 cell (817) 964-9120
Staff Meeting Joseph Vincelli is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: Joseph Vincelli’s Personal Meeting Room Join Zoom Meeting https://us06web.zoom.us/j/9323305625 Meeting ID: 932 330 5625 Find your local number: https://us06web.zoom.us/u/kM3k1FkrW
Thank you for your interest in The Artist Outreach workshop performances!