Events are normally private workshop performances and lectures. If you would like to observe a workshop for your organization, you must have approval from both, The Artist Outreach and the participating organization:


TA: Candy Williams 8:45-9:05 Motley Elementary/Gamez 9:05-9:25 Motley Elementary/Rojo  BILINGUAL 10:25-10:45 Tisinger Elementary/Locke 12:10-12:30 Tisinger Elementary/Locke 1:05-1:25 Motley Elementary/Gamez 1:25-1:45 Motley Elementary/ Rojo BILINGUAL Motley 972-882-5080 PRINCIPAL: Dr Shawna DeLamar […]

“Play With Your Food” / YMCA

TA: Chef Alfredo Culinary Nutrition Pathfinder Elementary School 1951 NW 87th Terrace Kansas City, MO 64154 contact: Jordan Elo code: WGMCF

Thank you for your interest in The Artist Outreach workshop performances!